Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Swan Queen

Walking With the Grace befitting a Queen and
Adorned in Tulle Crown

She Greets Her Swan
Who Glides Her Highness to Fairy Island

Where She Reigns

Has it really been two years since I've posted here?  Is anyone still out there to see?
What have you been up to?

~ Violet ~


  1. HERE I AM!Oh, this is good, this is VERY GOOD!

    First of all, thank you my friend, for being my friend for all these years. You are right; the joy all started here on this platform when we saw one another's expression of beauty. Oh lovely the years have been with WONDER and LIGHT being our carriages and crowns to get us through each day. And you my friend, have been with me every day for nine years. That's amazing.

    Now for this post. GO GIRLS!!!!!!! I love how she is in the moment for you. Look at this face, she knows what she's doing! And the blessing of having a pond as such, to have the eye for what isn't there, but what could be. But you are blessed to have such a stage upon which you paint for us, a dream world. Thank you for attending the reunion, thank you SO MUCH!

  2. Such haunting images! Thanks to Anita for the reunion, we are again introduced to more beauty!
