Friday, May 17, 2013

French Gardens and Landscapes {and a give-away!}

"Gardens and Landscapes Inspired by the French Countryside"

My theme for the Castles Crowns and Cottages
"France, Simply Irresistible" blog party hosted by Anita.
At the end of this post will be a link to her blog where all of the participants will be found.

Please bring along your straw hat,
as the weather is sunny and warm!
We'll be traveling through these garden landscapes
and pausing to smell the flowers along the way.

We will meet new friends and discuss the growing of the plants,
which are blossoming so abundantly,
we'll want to come home and embellish our own gardens!

If we get tired on our journey
we can stop in one of the gardens, to rest and read a bit

The sheep are grazing, and feeling lazy in the sunshine

I'm so glad we brought our bikes on a day like this!

We've received an offer to pick bouquets,
and the gardener has given us notes on how to achieve
these luscious blooms!
{and today, like Anita, we can read and understand the French language!)

We see sisters out picking blossoms for their dinner table,
and wish we could join them,
for by now we have worked up quite an appetite!

We probably should sit and rest a while before we continue on
and enjoy the baguettes and cheese we brought along,
and of course some 'bubbly'

It's been such a lovely day

and as evening approaches we near the end of our tour

inspired by the beautiful countryside
on a gorgeous day in France

Thank you for coming on this journey with me!
And there is so much more,
please visit Castles Crowns and Cottages
for the links to other bloggers who are participating.

And I hope you will leave a comment
so you will be included in my give-away of a print
of the last image, an oil painting named "Garden Path"
{randomly picked next week}

These paintings and more can be found on my website

~ Enjoy your adventures through France this week! ~


Kirsten Steen said...

Lovely paintings. And so inspiring to think of sitting on a bench in the French sun with a book and a baguette! Glad you participated so I can come by and stroll in your garden.
a bientot, Kirsten

Caryl said...

Wow... look at you. I didn't realize that you paint as well... these are gorgeous.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

I AM FINALLY HERE. Dear heart, you have put a genius post together, to show YOUR talents that reflect your love of France. France like many other places, cultures and peoples, HAS inspired much of what we pattern our own designs by. All of your chef-d'oeuvres (masterpieces) beautifully spell out F R A N C E !

And I LOVE working up an appetite after cycling, strolling, running and working in the garden. And what better way than to celebrate with a baguette than with a friend.

HAVE A BLAST!!!!! Anita

Unknown said...

Such beautiful paintings...I have come across from Anita's to join in the French party ;-)
Lovely to meet you please pop across if you have time.

Suz said...

Absolutely beautiful water color images you have created! Water color is my favorite medium.

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Such lovely prints and lovely tour.I love color. And you certainly created beauty,
It has been a pleasure,
Marie Antionette

millefeuilles said...

I am truly delighted to have visited you today. Gardens fascinate me and I found your day out so relaxing and inspiring. I am just wondering if you have come across the beautiful book/catalogue 'Impressioinist Gardens' which followed a beautiful exhibition which took place in Edinburgh, I believe, a couple of years ago? It is full of inspiration and might give you joy too.

Enjoy the party!


Simplement ... said...

Des petites merveilles de délicatesse, de romantisme ...

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Your work just takes my breath away..
Beautiful Violet!
I would be in heaven to be the winner of your most generous giveaway.
Thank you for visiting Bebe and sweet note.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

My dear sister, thank you for visiting today! I took a break to walk about six miles to the post office (Ruben has the car), in the rain. Oh my, spring is here and the colors of the trees and flowers is breathtaking, like your POST here!

I wanted to come back to say, MAY I ENTER YOUR GIVE-AWAY???

Your colors and manipulation of lights and shadows really shows a mastery that is admirable. HAVE FUN! Anita

prince snow farm said...

Oh my you are so talented! That last image is breathtaking! You are tugging at this gardener's heartstrings!

Createology said...

How very lovely Violet. Your paintings are pure bliss. I am so ready for sharing some bubbly, baguette and brie with you along this stroll in France. Thank you dear...

Palomasea said...

What a brilliant French get-away, dearest Violet...a most beautiful dream brought to life by your incredible talent!
SO gorgeous!! I love the hollyhocks...special memories for me...
You are so generous to gift one of your paintings...thank you so much...
What a thrill it would be to win...:)
Enjoy the party, dear bon weekend!
Thank you for dining at le petit cafe chez moi! ;)
- Irina

jerilanders said...

You capture Hollyhocks and Delphiniums so beautifully. I feel the urge to don my straw hat and stroll the garden path in my bare feet immediately.

Karena said...

Oh Violet I adore your works of art! There is something about the summer straw hat with the ribbon flowing!

Thank you for visiting me on our French Journey!

Art by Karena

Veronica Roth said...

Hello Violet, my fellow painter and blogger. I love your paintings. I also paint in oils. This was a really lovely little trip down the French garden path. :)

Unknown said...

That was a wonderfully spent day...! Really beautiful paintings...

Unknown said...

I loved walking through the story in your post illustrated with much magnificent paintings. So lovely to meet you. What I love about Anita's parties is meeting new blogs such as yours.

Have a beautiful weekend.


It's me said...

Wowwww...did you paint this ???...wowwwwww...i really love them all....nice to met you in France....enjoy the

Martina said...

Violet, you watercolors are so light and pretty! They perfectly evoke the feeling of what you describe. Thanks for a very lovely day in France indeed! xox

Red Rose Alley said...

These paintings are so delightful. I would love a chance to win the last one in your giveaway. My favorite was the sisters, as it reminds me of my girls. You are so talented, and I'm glad I stopped by. There is always simplicity and beauty at your place.


Sylvia said...

Your watercolors are delightful! You are such a talented artist! Thank you for this artful journey!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Bonjour chèrie! Like Jeri Landers (a phenomenal artist), I feel like putting on my hat and taking a stroll barefoot! But I fear that today in my garden, I would end up with MUDDY FEET! We had a fabulous shower that left our garden sparkling green.

I will send you a photo I took of the entrance, unfortunately BEFORE I put up my flower boxes! But there is a little rabbit named CARLOS who is smack dab in the middle.


French Girl in Seattle said...

Dear Violet. Thank you for stopping by today. What a wonderful idea Anita had, to get us all together! You are so talented, Violet. Take it from someone who could never hold a paint brush or a pencil. Je suis impressionnée. Your paintings are beautiful! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

Art and Sand said...

Your paintings are wonderful. I am married to an oil painter so I can appreciate all the work and love that must have gone into each beauty.

I'm off now to visit the next party guest. I am loving this tour through France.

Art and Sand said...

Your paintings are wonderful. I am married to an oil painter so I can appreciate all the work and love that must have gone into each beauty.

I'm off now to visit the next party guest. I am loving this tour through France.

Anonymous said...

Oh what a beautiful gift you have been given in being an artist like this and how sweet to give one of your gifts to us!

bee blessed

Lynne said...

Oh, my...another gift found on this French journey. So pleased to meet, and view your lovely artwork.

Good evening, Violet! I love "Morning Walk"! (That blue dress!)

Your dogs and blog images are amazing.

I have been lingering on the bench with my tea!

Thank you for visiting my dream!

YONKS said...

Simply beautiful! I love "Garden Path"!
Thanks for sharing your wonderful work.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

BONJOUR! Wishing you another lovely day mon amie. Anita

Anonymous said...

Simply beautiful, Violet. Your gift shines with perfect Grace.
Thank you for stopping by the table to share a macaron. :)

The French Hutch said...

How lovely a journey through the French countryside with these beautiful paintings! These magical scenes have me wanting to plan a trip this very minute. Your talent is amazing, capturing the essence of the countryside. Merci, and oui I enjoyed every minute here. I will be you latest follower.........

The French Hutch

Down by the sea said...

Violet your paintings are so lovely, I can feel the warmth of those blue skies. It was nice meeting through Anita's party!
Sarah x

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

VIOLETTE! (French version!)

Oh my dear, to know that so many are clicking simultaneously around the country and in Europe makes me so happy. THANK YOU for coming by again; I spent some more time in the garden enjoying the bumble bees, the birds, the RABBITS and planting my flowers. Have fun sweet friend. Anita

Rhissanna said...

Oh my! What gorgeous paintings! Full of warm sunlight and peace and serenity. Thank you!

Jacqueline said...

Your paintings are exquisite. What beautiful garden images - makes me wish I were there.

hi-d said...

You are so talented. All these flowers...can't wait to go plant some. :)

Thanks for stopping by...I am making my Paris rounds.

Heidi @ hi-d's place

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Your paintings are amazing, so wonderful :))) xx

Unknown said...

What a talent! These are lovely paintings and inspirations for living a beauty filled life. You set the tone for me this morning. Merci!
Thanks for your lovely comments on Stylemindchic. It's a pleasure to meet you!
xx, Heather

The Permanent Tourist said...

Another treat....discovering your artwork! This is more fun!!! Yippee...I love blogging and connecting with such talented writers, artists and people from all over the world!

Splenderosa said...

So nice to meet you, Violet. I'm coming over from Anita's place and joining in on our French holiday. Lovely work you do.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Violet, It's been so long that I've been to visit. What an absolute treat! Your art pieces are amazing and beautiful.

Draffin Bears said...

Bonjour Violet,

Lovely to come and visit you, via Anita's party.
Your paintings are so beautiful and I could sit on the seat and enjoy the sunshine and flowers there.

Happy week

Elizabeth@ Pine Cones and Acorns said...

A beautiful post, I love your paintings. So happy to have found you. Now following you.

Sandy at You May Be Wandering said...

Your lovely paintings are perfect for Anita's link party....they make me feel like I am in France.

I would love to be the proud owner of your gorgeous painting!!

Thank you for sharing!

Blessings from Cindy said...

Your paintings are absolutely gorgeous!! Please enter me in your giveaway~

Deana Sidney said...

Beautiful work and such colors! Thanks to Anita for sending us all an invitation to meet and get to know new blogs. It's a mini-vacation just visiting here!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

BONJOUR my dear and wonderful friend. Thank you for stopping by today! Wasn't this so fun? There are some wonderful women here that I hope you will have the chance to get to know. LOVE YOU ALL!

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Thank you Violet for coming over to visit Bebe..
Your paintings just take my breath away.. Exquisite!