Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Where the Fairies Come for Tea

~ Sitting On Tiny Fairy Chairs in the Garden ~

This past week I've been having so much FUN
making fairy chairs and tables
~ and the fairy dust has been flying! ~

Also in the works were miniature banners

She stands by one of my embellished photographs

This Saturday I'm having a booth at a Parisian style flea market,
and will be unpacking all the creations I made
before packing up to move.

The weather report is promising,
and that is a blessing as it's an outdoor show
(today it was rain rain rain)

Throwing some fairy dust your way!
Have a wonderful 4th of July and coming weekend!

~ Violet ~


Ann said...

So pretty...
love the banners too.

Nita Stacy said...

I love those little fairy chairs!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


Oh you faithful friend, YOU CAME TO VISIT MY BLOG! Yes, those men of ours, they show their love in FUN WAYS....they SEE the sparkles that we love and then they AGREE!!!!!teehee....I will TAKE THAT KIND OF LOVE ANY DAY!

I am thrilled for your chandy to be put up in your new home.

I am SUPER EXCITED to see these little chairs...don't you love fabricating the magical?????? HEY, these would look spectacular in our theatres!

I AM WISHING YOU SUCCESS in the preparation for this event and in the sales of your art. OUR ART and HEARTS must be witnessed in person and how lucky of the customers to have such an array of beautiful choices. I WISH I COULD BE THERE!


erin's art and gardens said...

your little chairs and banners are just adorable! good luck with your show...i think you will sell out. happy fourth, its goin to be a hot one here!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh I just had to come by for more; I spent a BEAUTIFUL day indoors yesterday finishing an order and also making FAIRY SHOES....I think the fairies would LOVE our wares, don't ya think?


1suertesalv1 said...

Looks very fairy, I love it!

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Too precious! x

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Dear Violet
I came by yesterday and saw these BEAUTIFUL AND MAGICAL chairs and was so inspired, I spent the entire day making a fairy bed! Thank you for being such an inspiration... I know your little fairy chairs will fly off the table at the show... You are so talented!! Wishing you the very best and have a good time there. You will be the shinning star at the show I am sure of that.

Something Special said...

This is a most darling post. Love all the fairy projects. You are amazing!
Thanks for sharing! I need some good
fairy ideas!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

VIOLET! I see our beloved Penny came by! Oh she and I went back and forth yesterday having so much fun showing each other our work. See how you inspired her????

I told her this is fairy weather! You are making the chairs, she is making the bed and I am making the shoes!!!

I am wishing you great success as you prepare for this weekend for a show I know you will enjoy and contribute MUCH MAGIC....back later! Anita

Rhissanna said...

Such lovely fairies in your garden and I love those wee, frilled little chairs! How lovely!

Ascension said...

Preciosas sillas, las cosas de hadas...siempre hacen soñar.
besitos ascension

Anonymous said...

Violet, stopping by your place is always so dreamy. LOVE those adorable little chairs. You are creating magic. Love, love, love. Oh, how I'd love it if you'd join our Snow in July party (6/20-6/22). I can only imagine what pretties you'd bring. I just finished working on our post and can't wait to share it.

Wish you much success this weekend. By the way, hands down on the last fairy being the cutest on your page. ;)

Palomasea said...

I agree with dear Marcia...cutest fairy of the bunch, your sweet GD!
Lovely Violet...there is fairy dust in the air indeed...the little chairs and banners..so beautiful!
I can only imagine...you, Anita, Penny...magical!
- Irina

Burlap Luxe said...

This is a divine magical place to visit, I am so inspired by your magic, creating the beauty of whimsey! They would so look the part in a performance of theatre in one of my theatres I create for show and for sale in my peaceful etsy!

I took notice of you being mentioned over at Penny's place and she is so right about inspiring another, she has taken with her all that you dream over her and created her own dream.

thank you for sharing.

Red Rose Alley said...

I was on my friend, Claudie's blog, and saw your little yellow fairy chair on her side bar and had to come over and see. I am so into fairies right now. I just bought three fairies at a shop near my home. These chairs are so pretty. You did a wonderful job on them. They would go perfect for my fairies. Have a sweet day.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

The Dainty Dolls House said...

Thank you ever so much for the precious comments!! I agree God gave us the greatest love of all and we need to remember to have that love in our hearts and remember who loved us first!! I wish I knew why the woman never returned to the apartment, maybe fear or just wanting to start over, it's such a mystery :) xx

Burlap Luxe said...

Violet, all I can say is I so get you ! !

I am so glad we have a vision for pieces much bigger in or life than the norm :)

Thank you my kindered spirit for visiting and for finding passion in what we soulfully create.

Have an inspiring week.
See you soon.


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

It was SO GOOD to see your visit today my dear! Anita

Angelsdoor * Penny said...

Dear Violet,
I hope you had much success at your Market show on Saturday...
Thank you so much for your very kind words about my humble little bed and fairy... I just had to share your chairs, they are so beautiful.. After all, that is what inspired me to create the bed.

Yes, maybe you should chat with the little fairies, it might get you out of duty.. Chat with them often... teeehhee.
Wishing you a wonderful day and thank you again.

Palomasea said...

So wonderful to see these dear fairy friends here....
Beautiful Violet, I am taking in the magic of your wonderful post again!
It was so lovely to see your message...
Sending hugs and sparkles,
- Irina

A China Cupcake said...

I love your fairy vignettes and your love of everything French. I will be looking forward to seeing your brand new studio when your house is finished . best wishes Pat Beglin