a couple of days ago, and shone on this 3 tiered stand on an end table where I placed some crystal dishes I inherited. I thought I'd share these close-ups of the beauty the sun created in the darkness. (...as the Son created beauty in mine!) I didn't make adjustments to these - aren't those rays shining on the
velvet flower striking?!?
Okay, so a friend pointed out that she couldn't even tell that was a flower. It's a burgundy velvet rose actually. And I could have lightened it, but the reason I posted the photo is because of the rays of light. So, to clarify, this is a photo of light shining in, not necessarily a photo of a velvet rose!
It'a all about the light! : ) okay Martha?
"But God who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,'
made his light shine in our hearts
to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God
in the face of Christ."
2 Corinthians 4:6
shine in your hearts and homes ...

but the darkness has not understood it.
The True Light
that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.
He was in the world,
and though the world was made through Him,
the world did not recognize Him.
The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.
We have seen His glory,
the glory of the One and Only,
who came from the Father, full of Grace and Truth."
John 1
Ephesians 5: 14
that my friend Cindy gave me!
I brought it outside - it wanted to see the snow, but when it started shivering I brought it back inside : ) We received more white snowflakes last night, and it truly looks like a winter wonderland out my window today. I'm not real excited about the snowballs that will come into the house attached to the
afghan hounds though!
Perhaps later I will post photos of them frolicking in the snow,
until then, thanks for stopping by! Stay warm!
Bask in the light of Christmas!
Wonderful pictures, so beautiful. I laughed at the snowballs on your dogs. Our little Diva, the Shih Tzu used to have longer hair when she was little and it cracked me up how the snow clung to her in such perfect little balls.
How poetically beautiful. Just the other day the sun rays broke through and shone on one of my nativity scenes. It was simply gorgeous, but I was running out the door and had no camera handy. Glad you captured this. My thumb is back in use -- hooray! I must not overdo on my first day. Always a joy to step across your beautiful threshold. : )
Hi Violet~
Thanks for stopping by!
These are beautiful pictures with a beautiful message!
Merry Christmas!
I liked the picture with the light transforming "whatever object it was" Isn't that what God's glory does to us? I also enjoyed the picutres of that which the light had transformed!
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