Candles and Clear Lights
~ sparkle of gold and silver ~



just some lingering Autumn decor as our home transitions to

~ The Light of the World ~
Creator of Glitter and Light and Sparkle
Who can wash the darkest heart
and make it W H I T E as snow
Who can take the color grey
and turn it into sparkling rays of S I L V E R glitter
Who can clean the old filmy glass, dimmed by time and age
and turn it into joyful prisms of dancing light
Tarnished silver shined like new
And G O L D E N treasures for us to unwrap
~ the G I F T ~
in Whom are hidden all the
of wisdom and knowledge
Is it any W O N D E R why we love the sparkle and glimmer,
the shine, the lights, the joyful music and the colors of
... as we prepare our hearts and homes for Christmas ...
BEAUTIFUL POST! I am so wanting to decorate in those colors this year but, this is our year to have Christmas here & that means the GRANDS expect to see Santa decor & of course the Santa Train under the tree. Somehow... that just doesn't translate to the silver & golds that I am craving in the house. HUGS!
Such beautiful photos and words!
Thank You and many blessing for the wonderful season almost upon us!
Hi Violet,
How beautifully written! A special post to start the Christmas season.
Your post just filled my heart...
Have a sweet day and hugs, Elizabeth
What a beautiful display of vignettes!! What a blessing to come to your blog and be surrounded by such beauty. Have a blessed week!!!
Oh dearest one, I am so honored to have been privy to these fantastic photos....I saw your photos in my email when I attempted to reach my home email from school today, but then I was interrupted as a child walked in while I was on break. I am going to my email now. I just got home a while ago, and then I must dash off to go pick up Ruben. This post says it all; what a wonderful connection you have made to the everyday things that we can see to make a metaphor to those things that we cannot see. All the sparkle and shine of GOd's hands makes us wonder and oooo and awwwww and that is well with my soul and heart!!!! I SIMPLY LOVE ALL OF THE METALS REPRESENTED HERE and of course, the sparkles of the prisms. It must look incredible to see this all in person. I cannot wait to decorate the weekend of Thanksgiving.
Back to visit in email....Anita
Hi Violet,
Want to know something funny? I was coming over to visit you yesterday evening to thank you for becoming a follower and to tell you that I would love it if on your next visit you'd leave me a comment so I'd know you had been there, but.....my computer went all crazy and since it was kinda late I decided to shut it down for the evening and try again today...And here it is today and to my wonderful surprise I see you had visited...Yay! Did we just have a telepathic moment there? Hee, hee, hee. Anyways, It has been very nice to meet you...Oh and love your blog header and title and love, love, loved your White Silver Gold post. I can't wait to look around some more. Have a wonderfully blessed day. Until next time.
Hugs and Kisses,
♥Ana~A Petite Cottage
Beautiful post!!
Beautiful interpretation. I do so love gold, silver and white!!!
WOW!!! This post is just beautiful. Love all the snowmen and really everything is so special.
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