Today's 'Purple Thursday" item is this beaded and sequined applique that was embellishing a purple t-shirt I found a while back at a consignment shop. The shirt was too small but the only reason I bought it was for this glitzy bit. It was worth the tiny amount they wanted for it. I just know it will be perfect for something! It has a little problem now that I'm hoping to repair. My Dazzle-dog stole it from my desk this morning after it was photographed, and proceeded to chew on a corner of it before I caught her. She is such a beautiful dog but her favorite hobby is destroying my stuff. She's into "altered art"...
Hello~ I found you from Miss Heathers Blog. I adore your pumpkin design Idea!!!
Especially hot gluing the embellishments to the paper plate, allowing it to be reused. I prefer real pumpkins to those faux ones everywhere. I'd love to share your idea on my blog for Thanksgiving.
Please stop by, I've got a Parisian Give Away going on at my blog i think you'll enjoy!
I looked at the photo of your fur babies in your last post and fell in love with the beautiful, graceful, and bewitching breed that is the Afghan Hound all over again. Then I read this post and remembered why I now have a German Shepherd Dog! Hey Ho! It's all part of their inigma... and worth every minute in my opinion. Hope your beautiful motif is now fully restored.
I have taken photos over the years of many of the "altered" home furnishings, hats and shoes that our dogs have sunk their teeth into. I probably should post some of them each time I show a beautiful photo of them to give the whole picture to anyone who might consider this breed : ) They have cost way more than their initital fee! Not even counting some trips to emergency vets, one of which resulted in an expensive surgery to have a rock removed from Dazzle's intestines at 6 months old. I don't think rock eating is breed specific though! I should do a post about all of this sometime.
I found your blog while blog hopping and love a woman in a hat. i love hats and love to see them on people. If you put that lovely embelishment on a hat you could glue flowers over the spot the dog ate.LOL Altered art indeed! Lilli
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