Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Christmas in Purple, White, and Silver

... Might I be in Narnia? ...

There is so much beauty to behold in shops I've visited lately,
here's some purple for Christmas!

Periwinklely purple and green

Lovely Ornaments

So pretty!

Silver and Purple

... I'm dreaming of a white Christmas ...

... Let it snow, decoratively speaking that is ...

Sparkly white and silver

This is all really getting me in the mood for Christmas decorating! I'm thinking as soon as those Thanksgiving dishes are done I'll be packin' away all the Fall stuff and delightfully opening my Christmas storage bins! Our tree has never ever looked like these beauties I see in shops though. And I really don't have many purple items except for a few I set up in my studio...


Debbie in CA : ) said...

Simply enchanting. Narnia does come to mind. I look forward to seeing your home all dressed for Christmas. : )

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

I'm a bit partial to lavender and silver...they were the colors for my sons wedding. My daughter in law knew she wanted the lavender, just didn't know what to pair with it. I suggested silver and it came together beautifully.

Sweet Wishes,

Kathleen Ellis said...

Oh! I love this! I love to do Christmas in colors like these...and pink and raspberry and pale green! Can't wait to see what you do!

Chris said...

I have to admit, purple is my least favorite color. But...those ornaments, decorations, etc. were GORGEOUS! I just kept staring at all of them! Thanks for sharing!

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Beautiful decorations!! I love the white and silver so much that I think that someday I need to do that in our home.


Pumpuli said...

Oh it sure is Narnia revisited!