These particular angels are holding a tea pot and cup. I'm sure they like Constant Comment,
or perhaps French Vanilla tea. Sweetened of course.
What is your favorite tea?
The tree so far just has lights... looks great at night but rather bare during the day... As I look at this photo I am reminded I'd like some decorative window treatements, but still don't know what. We don't want to cover up too much of the tall windows, which have cream colored wood blinds. Drapes would add so much color ... sheers would look too 'light' for the room I think. My husband designed our house we built last year and the window coverings are coming one at a time. Any opinions out there from all you fabulous decorators???
The Mantle
The Drifter Dog after having breakfast.
He doesn't think he got enough so is hoping for the 2nd course.

Afghan Hounds wear snoods when they eat so their long hair on their ears doesn't get in the food.
The fancier and most sparkly, the better.
These aren't very sparkly but great Christmas colors!
I am finishing up an oil painting commission today of a sweet doggy. I will miss her after I ship it off to my client! I have a couple more dogs to paint that people are giving as Christmas gifts, and have several projects I'm working on. Which is why our tree is not decorated yet. Maybe this weekend! And I'm really getting in the mood for some fudge, a Christmas tradition at this house! What are your favorite holiday treats?
Beautiful angels. My favorite tea right now is Chai Tea and I have no favorite sweet treats. I'm not really into sweets, a little dark chocolate here and there and I'm happy. Those snoods are great.
Wow! That room is amazing! I love the fireplace and huge windows!!
Hi Violet!
Your great room is fabulous!
I love your angels....I love so many teas it's hard to pick, but I will say high on my list is a good high quality loose leaf darjeeling tea for morning....I like a tea with a floral note in the afternoon!
I did not know that afghans (my most favorite dogs) needed snoods when they eat...makes if I could figure out how to translate that for my Prince... :-)
One of my favorite holidays treats is the graham cracker fudge Prince Charming makes every year...his grandmother's is a top request!
Merry CHRISTmas!
Hi, Violet, thank you for stopping by & leaving a note. Love your beautiful home for Christmas & those 2 doggies are so pretty. I hope you'll come back by again sometime. Merry Christmas!
My favorite tea is . . . ummmmmm . . . hot and black or green or white. ; )
Your doggies in those headbands made me laugh out loud. I have trained my girls to keep their long hair up and away from food (like their dinner plate). I can't wait to tell them your dogs have had the same training.
You're a gem, my sweet Violet friend. : D
Beautiful home with such tasteful decorations blooming anew each time I come for a visit. Our tree is going up as I furiously type this. I'm the lights and garland fairy, so I need to finish up and get downstairs. ~~Bye~~
Beautiful..beautiful..beautiful decorations! Thank you for sharing. Every year I try and do the "Tour of Homes" and the decorating is just amazing. I love all the different, purple, gold. The angel that caught my eye, in the corner, holding a heart(?)I really like. Have a great weekend.
What a beautiful home you have Violet!
Happy Holidays from my house to yours!
Hi Violet, I love your name! I just now found your comment on my embroidery blog. It was a post back on Nov.16th. Thank you for visiting! So sorry it took this long for me to catch up and read. I just love your blog and all of your pretty things. Your dogs are adorable. As for my favorite tea, I love green tea with lemon and anything with cinnamon! So glad to have visited here! blessings, Kathleen
Ok, like, WOW! What a gorgeous great room. I love it as is and woulnd't change a thing.
And how cute are the Christmas snoods! Your sweeties look so cute in them.
Patricia :o)
PS: My fav tea is Sweet Dreams. My hubby and I have a cup almost every night.
Love your open floor plan! I imagine you get a ton of light, even on cold and snowy days :)
Your dogs are adorable (didn't know about the snoods)! I love dogs and collect paintings of dogs. Love the room too!
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