~ My Mannequin in Her Tu-tu ~
Saturday was a beautiful, warm and non-rainy day
which was such a blessing for the outdoor flea market
vendors and the people who visited!
Soon I'll show some actual pieces that include:
' Cowgirl Art' ~ 'Vintage Glamour'
and images of 'Jewels and Treasures'
'Embellished Shoes' and 'Paris Inspired' ~ my new line of
"GirlFriend Gifts" designed to encourage and bless
"Glitter, Vintage Glamour, and Grace"
leopard print ruffles?!? (another treasure from T.J's)
~ a perfect place to hang ballet tags ~

She would not smile, but just stood there in all her glory.
(perhaps I need a matching skirt?)
other booths... but it was a fabulous event!
I bought another peacock feather hat
that matches my blue one.
The new one is a deep pink. Now, that is a peacock
I would like to see!!!
Several friends stopped by to visit and shop,
and my dear husband helped me set up and
delivered food to me. And coffee.
He seemed a bit embarrassed though
about being seen in my booth.
~ too girly ~
It looked wonderful!!! Love the manni in her tutu. You looked so cute too. GLAD you did well at the sale. Did you have furry assistants to help? :) Have a great week.
I'll tell you a seceret... I caught Ms Reba's Daddy looking at puppies from the kennel we bought her from. I'm not sure I'm ready for that but, he is also talking to them about adopting one of the females they have used for breeding. Again... not sure I'm ready to go there yet. Have a great week. Charlene
This looks like it would be a FUN place to visit and browse.
Your friend Tu-tu strikes quite a pose!
haha...I think you definetely should get that matching skirt!!:)))
I love your mannequin,and the way you "dressed" her...lots of fun things on her!!And great pictures,can´t wait to see more:)))
You look adorable, Violet! What a fun day! Nice that you had such a beautiful day! I thought of you today and wanted to stop by and say hello and wish you a beautiful week!
hugs~ Kathleen
VIOLET......hold on here.....this is the first time since I have known you that I have missed a beat in your affairs! THIS IS STUNNING, I LOVE YOUR NEW LOOK, AND YOU are such a beauty! It has taken me so long to get back to your darling email because I had Open House last night and it left me totally exhausted. I can no longer email or blog from my work computer since I don't even have a moment of peace during my prep or lunch hour! I will come back to you on email....but this is a great new look, and those blue Wellies..........TDF!!!!!
Looks like so much fun! I can't wait to see your designs...
Husbands are silly sometimes...
Have a sweet day,
Ma chère Violet,
Your comments this morning on my new post have just touched me...and I showed your blog to my husband who just thinks your header and art are just MAGNIFICENT! He has excellent taste! We went to Joanne's Fabric today. He is going to buy me a sewing machine...have you ever tried the Swedish made one....oh I forgot the name....well they had a $9,000 model as a RAFFLE PRIZE!!! We each filled out a card and then we stitched a sample on the card. I stitched out a design and Ruben stitched out dog shapes! I HOPE WE WIN IT! Miracles......yes, our friendship, our passions, and faith are a miracle to me, oh yeah!
I hope you are having a splendid weekend. I am feeling so much better. A French colleague of mine called me and she also shares the same sentiments about work. I am so glad to know that even SHE, a brilliant French woman, teacher AND BELIEVER feels the stress.
VIOLET!!!! YOU CAME TO VISIT NOT ONE BUT TWO POSTS and especially my illustrations! THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMENTS! And from you my dear, I am so flattered! I am working on another one for next week....off I go with Mr. Ants in His Pants who just can't stay still! teeeeheeee....back later....Anita
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