Would you wear a vintage dress of tulle and lace
The green or pale blue?


These are just some of my choices for tonights event,
as I've a collection of thrift store gowns,
vintage hats
and way too much costume jewelry
( if there is a 'too much' )
My friend Lynette and I always enjoy an excuse
to get dressed up
put on some glitz and glam
and PLAY dress-up
So tonights Bloggers Ball
an event of
Ruffles and Rust
~ A Vintage Market to Inspire ~
Is just the excuse we need!
(click here to read about this event)
Lynette is going to wear a luscious yellow tulle-skirted gown
and a tiara
(of course!)
Me ~ undecided thus far
but I'm seriously considering the black and white
dress with a large brimmed
"Audrey" hat
p e a r l s
Which gown would you wear?
OPPS...I posted my comment below for this one too. I love that lime green dress....if I had the body and the strawberry blonde hair that would be my dress to wear!! These are gorgeous!!
OH YEAHHHHHH! O.K., I wanna go so badly with you all! I think you should go with your choice and BE AUDRY! You will be stunning dearest! THESE PHOTOS ARE MARVELOUS!!! Oh, you never cease to marvel me with your creativity. Do you get enough sleep? I seem to be constantly THINKING and I am too excited to sleep!tteeeeeeehheeeeee! GIVE LYNETTE A BIG HELLO FOR ME! TELL her I am with you two all the way! PEARLS GIRLS....go for it!
LOVE, Anita
I just found you over a Privet and Holly....what a great artist you are...I love meeting creative women out here in blogland.
Hmmmm.....what to wear....I am French by nature....so accessorizing is my BIG THING....definitely the hat and fur with that amazing necklace adornment...the just a simple black gown....AH HEAVEN!!!
I'm up for the black velvet with white chiffon... la tee da....
Have fun!
Well.... I went with the black velvet with white chiffon dress, and a black bead-studded pillbox hat with huge feathers pinned off to one side. I took my little camera in my vintage evening bag... only to discover the batteries were dead! So many things I wanted to share here, so many women wearing fabulous gowns! Many photos were taken by others so hopefully I will find some of the blogs and get some of the photos to share!
~ Violet
i like the green dress..
it so beutiful...
i wannna the dress..!!!
Well I have one picture of you to share, sorry your camera batteries died. Feel free to grab any pics off my blog if you wish. I loved the dresses you & your friend wore... such beauty! Anyhow, here's the link to the post I did anout the show with the picture of you guys:
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