~ I glittered the pumpkin ~
First time to try spray glitter... it comes in a can,
like spray paint. But half the size and twice the price.
For some things I think it is worth it,
as it was to quickly glitter up this pumpkin, which is more
sparkly than it looks in the photo. really.
This little birdy made a nest in a shoe

First time to try spray glitter... it comes in a can,
like spray paint. But half the size and twice the price.
For some things I think it is worth it,
as it was to quickly glitter up this pumpkin, which is more
sparkly than it looks in the photo. really.

Large enough to use as a table runner
when not being worn
Lots of Sommerset Studio magazines and others
published by them, now easier to see and re-read.
Until then, they will decorate the dining room table
and birds. many birds.
okay, and nests.
and sayings about birds and nests
on sale after the season was over... at an antique store.
I will use them at each place setting on
Thanksgiving Day

But love the white pumpkins on the table for Fall
So why not place some shells in a nest
(did I mention I like birds and nests???)
Just think of all the decor we could do if we just hung
boards from the ceiling with ropes.
(If Pottery Barn can do it, why not?!?)
this huge bird cage ... now that could be fun decor!
(and very pricey)
Most of my Fall decor is in two bins still out in the garage.
I am in the middle of dividing my studio into two rooms
so the Fall decorating is on hold for a bit longer
except for the dining room.
and the
glittered pumpkin
I am sitting at my computer in a room that was once
so pretty and organized, and it will be once again,
as I am moving my 'working studio' (aka ~ often messy
with creative explosions) stuff upstairs to the room
that is directly above my studio,
that was my husbands home office,
as he has another space for his now
See, the problem was not
that I have too much stuff after all,
it was I didn't have two rooms to put it all in.
That's my story and
I'm stickin' to it.
Have fun settling into your new 'nest.' Your autumn decor is very pretty - like you, I'm not a fan of much orange.
VIOLET!!! Oh, I feel as if I am sitting in your dining room with you, admiring all the beauty. Let me start:
1. That shoe of which you spoke is PRICELESS with the bird. WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT?
2. Those white vintage pumpkins are ONE OF A KIND...like you, I cannot use orange in my interior décor. It just is not my color. Since the exterior of our house has brick, I can put out pumpkins in the garden but the squirrels eat them! WHITE PUMPKINS WITH RUSTIC BASKETS...or nests is the way to go.
3. THE SHELLS in the nest...again, who but YOU would have thought about this. This is what makes you an artist's artist.
4. Your home is just lovely my dear. Thank you for this tour of your mind, and your heart. OH THAT DOG OF YOURS is too funny. He really wants to snoop around and see what he can chew, doesn't he? LOVE, Anita
I just LOVE the pumpkin with the glitter & I never tried that before!!!! I would have NEVER thought of that so THANK YOU for sharing the idea. I went to Farmers Market today & bought many pumpkins. Loved the the nose in the photo checking things out!!! So cute! And adored the collie/Lassie comes home because it reminded me of Reba. HUGS!
VIOLET!!! I just emailed you. Thank you for visiting my play post! OH yes, DRESS UP is one of the many play things that keeps me going and thinking and plotting and planning, and to do it with a friend, TANT MIEUX! (all the better). THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVELY COMMENTS ALWAYS and for always coming "out to play with me."
Have a wonderful week, Anita
Enjoyed the tour! I could almost smell the spray of glitter on your pumpkins!
Love your story girl! Whatever works! Love the sweet Afghan Hound too. A few years ago I lived with 4 of them~ ~but sadly they are all gone now to doggie heaven. I miss their antics so much and would love to have another one.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~
Think I'm off
to get glitter
for pumpkins, today!
My daughter also
collects vintage
dog figurines ~
Yours are so sweet!
You are going to
have so much fun
in your new space!!
xx Suzanne
VIOLET! Your tag this week and another sweet gift came at the same time...It touched me so because the care and beauty with which you both wrapped and created the gifts speaks volumes of love. MERCI DE TOUT MON COEUR! Anita
Everything is so Pretty! Love the glittered pumpkins as I am NUTS for anything with glitter! I also love your ceramic dogs (the real one too)...they are so pretty!
Have fun getting organized in your new room!
Lou Cinda :)
Ohhhh, Violet....these two posts were just what I needed to settle my soul today!! I'm physically tired and am sitting with total quiet...needed....and just pouring over your beautiful displays and arrangements and placements of it all, including the wonderful porcelain dogs....you have such an eye!....every picture so pleasing and a joy. Your fabulous collection of vintage gowns are amazing!! Have you ever thought of illustrating them or doing portraits of the gowns alone? I mean with your style of painting, I imagine them in an elegant boutique or a cherished pampered room. LOVE, LOVE the scripture with it all....TODAY your Posts/these two were medicine to my soul!!! Just beauty and touches of loved detailed by one of His blessed and talented children....YOU!
Forgot to mention or ask...where did you get that gorgeous three tiered cake stand with the crystals? And I love your white pumpkins!! Orange is hard...I have even put a wash of pink over them.
Hello dear Violet~
This and the previous 2 posts are so lovely...they made me smile...and wish I had been able to attend the Bloggers Ball! It looks like it was lots of fun! I can't wait to see what you wore!
Where did you get the spray glitter for your pumpkins? Craft store or hardware store?
I will most graciously accept my gift for Thanksgiving...you are so sweet to think of me! How exciting to be able to have TWO rooms now for your studio! I am envious! Can't wait to see the final results.
You have a most beautiful week....this last week of October, can you believe it?!
hugs~ Kathleen
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