has tagged me, so I'm going to play!
The darling sketch above is hers
and you can click on her blog name to go visit
Old ~ New ~ Borrowed ~ Blue ~
Here is the 'something old'
A Vintage Silver Tea Set
Bought the velvet and sequined jacket
right off of an antique store mannequin the other day
for a mere $29. So it's old, but also NEW ~ to me : )

right off of an antique store mannequin the other day
for a mere $29. So it's old, but also NEW ~ to me : )
It fit me perfectly but the velvet skirt that goes with it
is way too small for me ~ or my mannequin ~ and will have to be re-purposed!
Here is the shop's mannequin wearing the jacket before I nabbed it.
Here is the shop's mannequin wearing the jacket before I nabbed it.
photographed in a local antique mall
and now for the something

( I love you )
My heart dances a melody of joy whenever I see her,
hold her, think of her, or watch her mommy and daddy love her,
and when my dear husband holds this tiny bundle from heaven
so lovingly in his arms
~ our daughter's daughter ~
beautiful gift from God
I could go on and on and on, but... here is the
Something borrowed

And now, something BLUE
found at an antique store for only $15 each
Gorgeous! Not vintage, looks brand new,
For two very special little darlings.
this lovely vintage doll in a lacy blue gown
to play with my doll with the pink lace dress
So, "TAG! You're it!
please leave a comment and share your
S o m e t h i n g O l d
Something New
S o m e t h i n g B o r r o w e d
Something Blue
( or blue-violet )
: )
... or just say hello ...
YOWSERS! EVERYTHING, (including my drawing) teeeeheeeee, LOOKS GREAT! I LOVE what you did with EVERYTHING in photoshop, but my goodness Violet, oh dear, that VELVET JACKET, THOSE JEWELS so beautifully presented and embellished and your BABY GIRL....gosh she is so beautiful....and then the BLUE TUTUS and the little girls' dresses....AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL. You most DEFINITELY find the loveliest treasures and I WANT TO GO WITH YOU TO FIND THESE THINGS! You really know how to play tag dearest!!! You can do so much with these images....which reminds me, I will be making some birthday cards this weekend; I will draw some little girls with balloons, embellish with PICNIK and scan away then GLITTER! THANK YOU FOR TEACHING ME SO MUCH DEAR FRIEND...BONNE NUIT et à DEMAIN!! Anita
A fun exercise.... loved the photos... and that cute baby in the midst........
So lovely - especially the baby with the doll coming in second! (Is it a Madam Alexander doll?)Thanks so much for forwarding my blog on to your friend! I really appreciate it!
Blessings! And come back and visit real soon!
I just brought home a rescue cat the other day... so although i still miss my Harry dog, this little cat fills that oh so sad place in me with joy again.
DEAREST! I CANNOT SEND ANY EMAILS...MY ACCOUNT IS MESSED UP...I SENT YOU A MESSAGE LAST NIGHT AND IT BOUNCED BACK TO ME THIS MORNING!!!! HEY, guess what just arrived about 20 minutes ago...YOU GOT IT! A lovely white settee...gotta send you pics but the message for non delivery said that an attempt to resend my messages won't occur until 11/8!!!!!!!
VIOLET!!! BOO HOO! I can't "play" with you today....my email is still down! I WANT TO SHOW YOU MY SETTEE! And, I am making some books and I made two birthday cards! WHAT FUN I HAD! I hope my email is up soon...I feel cut off!
Each word you wrote pierced my heart. thank you for so beautifully reminding me of the solid rock we stand on. It is the most precious blessing when I receive a note like yours. Thanking God today for you and your warmth and love. I love your blog and your precious G baby bundle. xo Kate
Beautiful post AGAIN!!!!!!! And congratulations on that new baby girl. LUCKY YOU!!!!!!!!! I have nothing but, blue. But, we love our GRAND BOYS TOO! Have a great week.
Violet, you are the
perfect lady to be
a grandmama to THREE
lucky little girls!
I just love your sweet
spirit and the joy in
your heart comes right
through the computer
screen. Wonderful images,
xx Suzanne
PS: Your new grand-
daughter is sooooo
precious!!! What
beautiful eyes!
xx S.
Just a note to say, no, not 3 little girls, two... one of those blue dresses is for the baby to grow into!!! LOL! And they have a wonderful big brother who just turned 5. Oh how we P L A Y !!!
~ Violet
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