They may not be show dogs but they are show-watchin' dogs!
It always amuses us-
And they notice dogs on my computer screen and wag their tales
and want to play. Dazzle even does play bows to my dog paintings!!!
... Well, someone has to lick the beaters ...
Yum!!!! Dazzle and Drfiter enjoy helping out in the kitchen.
Does anyone find this amusing or am I just crazy over these silly dogs?!?!
I LOVE THIS WHOLE POST. Those pictures of them watching TV cracked me up. Our little Diva dog has never shown an interest in the TV. And you're brilliant letting them lick the beaters. Now that we have no children at home our diva is REALLY my best buddy around the house. We talk all day...well okay, she is getting more and more deaf so she doesn't even cock her head and look at me like she used to...BUT I STILL TALK TO HER. :)
Hi, Violet. I love your blog posts, and especially the pictures that go with them. Dazzle has such an amazing home. She is so lucky, and I am so lucky. :>)
Your dogs are adorable! I love that they watch other dogs on TV~
I had a dog that just new there would be a treat when the mixer was running.
Those dogs have stolen my place in that house. Those used to be MY beaters!!! =P
Love you,
It's so cute that your dogs watch tv. My just lay there...
You're not crazy! Of course they should lick the beaters.
Patricia :o)
Hi Violet,
Yes I love your photos of the dogs in the kitchen, I can say that I have done this too! Bella loved it!!
Karen B!
My God this foto of Little Dazzle looks very much like Raiza looks right now! She is driving Dante & Valentine & Brownie nuts!!! She plays with everything in sight! She is sort of a Kleptomaniac also she steals anything within her sight and takes to her boneshape pad!!! Dante finally acknowledges her and "races" her!! Raiza tries her best to reach him!
Love Rosario Vera
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