Time for Feathering the Nest with Candles
~ To add some sparkle and glitter and light ~
To delight our hearts to sing of the beauties of Fall
Renewing our HOPE




Be ever near the King
who loves us with an everlasting love
~ filling Autumn's splendor ~
with His very Presence
For you are of more value than many sparrows
Glittered 'nest' hanging and birds are a design by Wendy Addison
Photography and bird painting/calligraphy by Violet Skiles
Scriptures: Psalm 84:3 Jeremiah 31:3 Matthew 6:26, by God
Beautiful decor, Violet. I especially like the verse and canvas you created.
You are onto something new, my talented friend! Your creativity is without end! My favorites are the pear candle and the "nest by His throne." It's so cool that I can keep up on your art via the internet :)
HEY WOMAN!!!! I am on a quick, quick break, but I saw your great comment and now I am here, amazed, astonished, impressed, inspired and enthralled by the BEAUTY you create with your hands and heart. My dear, dear friend, everything here is so lovely.....gotta go, but will come back tonight...Anita
Lovely thoughts.... comforting too as we imagine nests near Him.
Good evening my dearest, dearest friend! I came by early this morning from work, but I don't know if my comment went through! I love this post, the birds, CHECK! The glitter, CHECK! All the goodies that you and I just can't get enough of. AND....Please, PLEASE, I want a picture of you in your new wellies! AND THOSE JEANS! Only you can wear these things and make them look elegant. Oh how I wish we lived close by! Shake it up with Nancy Sinatra, Dearest!
UUUUU! MORE BOOTS? YEAH!!!! I really have to see these...please, please! I must go see your email.....Anita
Thank you for a pretty post! I love all things with birds and glitter!! Have a wonderful day!
Violet, I love
all of these sweet
birds {I'm a bird
fancier, too!}, but
most especially your
painting ~ LOVE it!
The quote really
resonates. I hope
that your Pac NW
autumn is just as
lovely as the one
we are enjoying here!
xx Suzanne
Oh Violet my dear friend,
Your comments today just made me so happy! THANK YOU for everything; your enhancement on the photo and just your sense of fun and play. You always keep me laughing, dreaming, imagining....all the things a great friend does. THANK YOU MILLE FOIS! ANd our men do endure quite a bit, n'est-ce pas? tteeeeeheeeee! All the moving of objects, climbing of ladders, nailing, changing, painting, YOU NAME IT, they have done it for us! PRAISE GOD FOR MEN! :)))))
I send you many hugs dear one, Anita
Beautiful post! Love the nest & the painting you did. Have a great weekend. HUGS!
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